Magazine Terms and Conditions

Print Terms and Conditions

In these conditions, the term ‘PUBLISHER’ means the party who publishes the publication in which the advertising space is booked.

The term ‘ADVERTISER/CLIENT’ means the party who books the space and is responsible for payment. The term ‘AGENT’ refers to any third party acting under the instruction of the ‘ADVERTISER/CLIENT’ and is responsible for p.

The term ‘ADVERTISEMENT’ refers to any copy, including but not exclusive to editorial submissions, display advertising, advertorial, sponsorship, to be used in the advertising space booked by the ADVERTISER or AGENT.


When placing an order for ADVERTISING SPACE, whether using the PUBLISHERS order document, the ADVERTISERS/CLIENTS/AGENTS internal order document/ordering procedure or Email
Instruction to proceed with the agreed order, the ADVERTISER/CLIENT/AGENT is assuring the PUBLISHER the terms of acceptance listed 1 – 28 below are fully understood and accepted by the ADVERTISER/CLIENT/AGENT. The PUBLISHERS order document will always be issued to the ADVERTISER/CLIENT/AGENT as standard procedure, drawing attention as to how to view these terms of acceptance, whether the PUBLISHERS order document is used to make the booking or not.

All ADVERTISEMENT orders for space are subject to acceptance from the PUBLISHER (acceptance from the PUBLISHER will be confirmed in writing to the ADVERTISER/CLIENT/AGENT within 24 hours) and are subject to the terms of acceptance listed 1 – 28 below :

1. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to refuse, amend, withdraw or otherwise deal with all ADVERTISEMENTS submitted to him at his absolute discretion and without explanation. All ADVERTISEMENTS must comply with the British Code of Practice. All ADVERTISEMENT and editorial copy, including all images and text, are accepted in good faith by the PUBLISHER. Whilst every effort will be made by the PUBLISHER to verify copyright, the ADVERTISER, upon submitting copy, acknowledges full responsibility for copyright clearance and accepts complete legal liability for all materials supplied. This extends to all other parties submitting copy on behalf of the ADVERTISER. The ADVERTISER permits the PUBLISHER to reproduce submitted ADVERTISEMENT copy in any of its publications and promotional material (including websites). All copyright resides with the original author.

2. The PUBLISHER will not be liable for any loss or damage consequential or otherwise occasioned by error, late publication or the failure of an ADVERTISEMENT to appear from any cause whatsoever.

3. The ADVERTISER will indemnify the PUBLISHER against any legal liability for damage and/or loss and/or expense which the PUBLISHER may incur as a direct or indirect consequence of the ADVERTISER’s announcement.

4. Notwithstanding anything in these conditions providing to the contrary, neither the PUBLISHER nor the ADVERTISER shall be liable to each other for any loss or damage consequential or otherwise caused by or arising out of any Act of Parliament, Order of Council, Act of State, strike of employees, lock out, trade dispute, enemy action, rioting, civil commotion, fire, force majeure, act of God or similar contingency beyond the control of either of them.

5. The PUBLISHER cannot accept responsibility for any omission, degradation or other alteration in respect of copy submitted via electronic mail.

6. In no circumstances does the placing of any order confer the right to renew on similar terms.

7. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to increase ADVERTISEMENT rates at any time or to amend the terms of contract as regards space or frequency of insertion; in such event, the ADVERTISER has the option of cancelling the balance of the contract without surcharge.

8. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to refuse cancellations or transfer. Any ADVERTISEMENT booked as a Premier Slot or Cover Position is strictly non-cancellable and non-transferable. Should the PUBLISHER agree to the transfer of an advertisement from one issue to another, this agreement will be strictly non cancellable by either the PUBLISHER or the ADVERTISER. All transfers accepted by the PUBLISHER will be subject to an administration charge of £250.00 per transfer. Transfers will never be accepted by the PUBLISHER once the original copy deadline, as indicated on the original order form has passed.
(Please note that Outside Cover Positions may also include a cover wrap and/or a spread marker and/or a belly band promoting another advertiser but not a direct competitor.)

9. Series discounts apply only to orders placed in advance and completed within one year of the date of the first insertion. For series packages the PUBLISHER will repeat the same ADVERTISEMENT in all subsequent issues in the series, unless informed otherwise by the ADVERTISER. If the ADVERTISER or AGENT wishes to change the ADVERTISEMENT for any/all issues they must submit new ADVERTISEMENT copy to the PUBLISHER before the copy deadline for each specific issue.

10. If the ADVERTISER wishes to cancel (and the PUBLISHER accepts the cancellation) the balance of a contract, except in the circumstances
stated in paragraph 7, all unearned series discounts will be surcharged. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to surcharge in the event of insertions not being completed within the contractual period. All surcharges will be applied at the publisher’s original rate card. All cancellations accepted by the PUBLISHER will be subject to an administration charge of £250.00 per issue. Cancellations will never be accepted by the PUBLISHER once the original copy deadline, as indicated on the original order form has passed.

11. Where the ADVERTISER has undertaken to supply inserts which have been accepted and approved by the PUBLISHER, the PUBLISHER reserves the right to charge the rate agreed if they fail to arrive at the agreed time and place for insertion.

12. Copy must be supplied without application from the PUBLISHER. Copy deadline is indicated on the space allocation form signed by the
ADVERTISER or AGENT. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to alter this deadline according to production schedule and market trends.

13. Copy matter provided must conform to the PUBLISHER’s requirements as outlined under the technical specification. Any additional work involved may be charged for. The technical specification is available here and hard copies are available from the PUBLISHER.

14. In the event of the ADVERTISER or AGENT failing to submit copy and approval by the PUBLISHER’s deadline, the ADVERTISER or AGENT will forfeit any allocated space and will be charged the rate agreed at the time of booking.

15. All editorial is offered free of charge and independently of any advertising space purchased by the ADVERTISER. Whilst the PUBLISHER will endeavour to accommodate all free editorial, the submission of editorial in no way guarantees its inclusion. The editor’s decision to include or exclude any editorial submission is final and no discussion will be entered into thereafter. The ADVERTISER accepts that all editorial will be edited in accordance with house style, as is the case with all paid for advertorial. The ADVERTISER also acknowledges the PUBLISHER’s right to refuse or edit any submissions and permits the PUBLISHER to reproduce submitted editorial and images in any of its publications and promotional material (including websites). The copyright for the text, images and design layout remains with the original author(s).

16. Requests will normally be granted to use Cognitive Media Groups design layout in other media as long as Cognitive Media Group is credited, and where the layout is not modified without prior permission. This request, (if granted) will incur a standard charge, (a copyright release fee) of £1250.00. Permission will only be granted where its use is not detrimental to Cognitive Media Group or any of its publications. The copyright for the text, images and design layout remain with the original author(s).

17. Whilst all efforts will be made to accommodate ADVERTISER’s wishes with regards to ADVERTISEMENT and editorial positions, the PUBLISHER in no way guarantees that these requests will be met. All ADVERTISEMENT and editorial will be placed as the editor sees fit, and the editor’s decision is final. Any efforts to accommodate the ADVERTISER’s wishes are complimentary and entirely at the editor’s discretion and in no way form any part of the contract between the PUBLISHER and the ADVERTISER.

18. The PUBLISHER cannot accept responsibility for changes in dates of insertion and copy unless these are confirmed in writing and in time for the changes to be made. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to charge for any additional expense involved in such changes.

19. Where the PUBLISHER is designing or making alterations to any ADVERTISEMENT, the PUBLISHER will supply the ADVERTISER with a proof as long as this falls within the stipulated copy deadline, and providing it is practical to do so. In submitting completed advert copy it is understood that the ADVERTISER gives his/her approval to the advert being run as is, and on such occasions no proof will be supplied by the PUBLISHER. The PUBLISHER accepts no responsibility for the running of incorrect advert copy approved by the ADVERTISER or AGENT. Where possible, alterations to ADVERTISEMENT copy can be made by the PUBLISHER at the request of the ADVERTISER. At the PUBLISHER’s discretion, the redesign fee will be waived for any alterations requested by the ADVERTISER on the first occasion. Any subsequent changes requested by the ADVERTISER, not specified on the first occasion, will be subject to a £175 redesign surcharge per alteration.

20. Accounts are strictly net and must be settled immediately upon receipt of invoice. If an account becomes overdue, the PUBLISHER reserves the right to withdraw any discounts (including all AGENT commissions) applied at the time of booking and re-invoice at the PUBLISHERS original rate card. Overdue accounts will accrue interest at the current rate under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as amended and supplemented by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002. These late payment charges will be applied at the PUBLISHERS rate card. If an account is overdue the PUBLISHER reserves the right to suspend insertions and apply a surcharge at the PUBLISHERS original rate card.

21. One voucher copy will be provided for each ADVERTISEMENT published. Electronic copies of all published artwork and editorial can be supplied by the PUBLISHER to the ADVERTISER, in accordance with paragraph 16.

22. The ADVERTISER shall be responsible for the insurance of all art work and other ADVERTISEMENT material delivered by him/her to the PUBLISHER and the PUBLISHER cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage.

23. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to destroy all art work and other materials which have been in their’s of their printer’s custody for 12 months’, provided always that the ADVERTISER or AGENT has not given instructions to the contrary. The PUBLISHER may exercise this right without giving further notice to the ADVERTISER or AGENT.

24. If in the unlikely event that the ADVERTISER is dissatisfied with the PUBLISHER’s service, a formal complaint must be made in writing to Roy V Rowlands, providing full details of the advert, publication title, issue number, page number and the exact nature of the complaint, within 14 days of receipt of voucher copy. Cognitive Media Group cannot process any complaint that does not meet these requirements.

25. Although telephone calls may be recorded for monitoring, training and quality control, your signed order form clearly acknowledges your understanding of the boundaries of the contract between both parties and supersedes any previous correspondence either verbal, written electronic or otherwise.

26. The ADVERTISER/CLIENT/AGENT must not under any circumstances whatsoever be responsible in any way for the provision of references/testimonials/recommendations, relating to the work of either a current or previous employee of the PUBLISHER, to either a current or previous employee of the PUBLISHER or any third party outside of the PUBLISHERS, irrespective of how the request is received by the ADVERTISER/CLIENT/AGENT, e.g. verbal, written or by use of any form of social media and irrespective of who the request is from or the purpose of such a request, without written consent from the PUBLISHER.

27. Front Cover Package : The ADVERTISER should choose and supply one high-resolution photograph of a sufficient size for the cover, and send separately some words of suggested text for the headline as detailed in the Technical Specifications. The PUBLISHER will design the front page for the ADVERTISER’S approval. The front cover will also include the magazine’s own logo and additional text promoting articles inside the magazine, to be determined solely by the PUBLISHER. The ADVERTISER’S submitted photo may not include additional text, straplines, slogans, logos, terms and conditions, or similar: it must be a single photograph. The ADVERTISER may supply a logo for inclusion on the front cover, but its use will be determined by the PUBLISHER’S style guidelines. If the ADVERTISER’S guidelines surrounding the use of their logo is incompatible with the PUBLISHER’S front cover design, the logo will not be used. The PUBLISHER will not alter the design of the front cover to suit any such external guidelines. All front cover artwork must comply with house style and will be subject to approval by the PUBLISHER. ADVERTISERS who have booked a series of front covers should note that each one must look substantially different to the others, to prevent reader confusion and to ensure each cover is unique. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to alter/refuse any submissions that do not meet the standards specified. If the ADVERTISER fails to provide a photograph of sufficient visual and technical quality in time for the PUBLISHER’S copy deadline, the PUBLISHER reserves the right to use a suitable alternative image.

28. Cover wrap: The ADVERTISER should provider four pages of advertising copy as detailed in the Technical Specifications. The cover wrap – which is loose, not attached – wraps around the magazine.